Tire Balancing Explained: Why It Is So Important?

A man balancing a tire.Tire balancing is a very important behind-the-scenes aspect of tire maintenance, which often goes unnoticed. It plays a crucial role in keeping your vehicle running smoothly.

Have you ever felt vibrations in your steering wheel while driving? I have, and believe me, it’s very annoying. That might be a clear sign that your tires need balancing. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a deep understanding of Tire Balancing Explained: what it is, why it is essential and how the tire technicians do it.

So let’s dive in the world of balance!

What Is Tire Balancing?

Tire balancing is the process of ensuring that the weight of the tire is evenly distributed around the axle. When the tire is manufactured, various factors, such as variations in the rubber or uneven weight distributions, can lead to an imbalance in the weight. That’s when the balancing comes into the play.

Tire imbalances can also develop due to other factors, such like wear and tear on the tire’s tread, incorrect mounting, damages from hitting potholes, aging and other factors.

To ensure the smoothness of the drive, the weight of the tires should always be evenly distributed.

Why Is Tire Balancing Important?

While it might seem like a minor detail, it has a major impact on your overall driving experience and the health of your vehicle, so one should never neglect it as it is crucial.

There are many factors why balancing is important. Let’s check some of them:

  1. Smooth Ride: Maybe the most important detail for me is that balanced tires prevent vibrations, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable ride. When your tires are in harmony, you won’t feel annoying jitters through the steering wheel or seats.
  2. Improved Handling: Balanced tires help maintain proper contact with the road. This is important for good traction and handling, especially when taking corners or driving in wet or slippery conditions.
  3. Extended Tire Life: Like I stated above, balancing your tires evenly distributes wear and tear. This means your tires will last longer, saving you money in the long run.
  4. Enhanced Safety: A balanced tire reduces the risk of uneven tire wear. Uneven wear can lead to reduced grip on the road and a higher likelihood of accidents.

As we can see, such small detail like putting some grams here or there can spare us a lot of headaches in the future, or even while we are driving at the moment, because believe me, you won’t feel your hands after a long drive with a vibrating steering wheel.

When Should You Balance Your Tires?

As it is a regular part of your tire’s maintenance cycle, it is an important thing to do. But you shouldn’t do it on daily or weekly, or even monthly basis. There are some specific times when you should consider doing it, as doing it often won’t make any difference and it is only a waste of money.

Consider balancing your tires:

  1. When You Get New Tires: Whenever you purchase new tires, they should be balanced before installation to ensure a smooth ride from the start.
  2. During a Tire Rotation: If you rotate your tires (which is recommended to promote even wear), it’s an excellent time to balance them as well. You can read more about tire rotation in our other article about tire maintenance here.
  3. When You Feel Vibrations: If you notice unusual vibrations in your steering wheel or seats, it’s a clear sign that your tires might be out of balance.
  4. After Hitting Potholes: Rough impacts like hitting a pothole can throw off the balance of your tires. In such cases, it’s a good idea to have them checked and balanced.

So try to “feel” the right time when you should balance your tires. It will help you save more.

How Is Tire Balancing Done?

A man balancing some tires

As it is a precise procedure which requere special equipment, it should be carried out by a professional. But let’s have an overview of the process, so you know how the process is done.

  1. Wheel Removal: The first step is removing the wheel from the vehicle. This allows the technician to access its both sides.
  2. Mounting on the Balancer: Then the wheel is placed on a specialized balancing machine. This machine has sensors that detect even the tiniest imbalance.
  3. Making Measurements: The machine takes initial measurements to determine the degree and location of the imbalance. It identifies the lightest and heaviest spots on the tire and wheel.
  4. Placement of Counterweights: To correct the imbalance, the technician attaches small counterweights to the wheel’s rim. These counterweights are strategically placed to offset the heavy spots. The machine indicates where exactly the counterweight should be placed and exactly how many grams should be added to that place.
  5. Final Verification: After attaching the counterweights, the machine rechecks the balance to ensure it’s within acceptable limits. If needed, additional adjustments are made.
  6. Remounting: Once wheel is balanced, it is remounted on the vehicle.

The Consequences of Ignoring Tire Balancing.

Ignoring the importance of the balancing can and will lead to a host of problems, both in terms of the performance of your vehicle and its safety.

  1. Uneven Tire Wear: When your tires aren’t balanced, they wear unevenly. This can lead to premature tire replacement, costing you more money.
  2. Reduced Fuel Efficiency: Imbalanced tires can lead to increased rolling resistance, which means your engine has to work harder to move the vehicle. This results in lower fuel efficiency.
  3. Safety Risks: Vibrations caused by imbalanced tires can affect your ability to maintain control of your vehicle, especially at higher speeds. This poses a safety risk for you and others on the road. And believe me: IT IS ANNOYING.
  4. Suspension and Steering Damage: Using unbalanced wheels for a long time can put additional stress on your vehicle’s suspension and steering components, potentially leading to costly repairs.

So never neglect that detail. So at the first signs when you feel that your tires might be imbalanced, go and check them. You will never be sorry for that.


Tire balancing may not be the most glamorous aspect of car maintenance, but it’s undeniably essential for a safe, smooth, and efficient driving experience. Regularly balancing your tires, especially when you get new ones, can help extend their lifespan, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance your overall driving comfort. If you ever notice vibrations or irregular wear, don’t hesitate to have your tires balanced by a professional. Your vehicle and your wallet will thank you for it.
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Nikolay Nachkov

An entrepreneur, visionary and a blogger. When God is in first place in our lives, everything is possible, even the impossible!

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